Final conference: More sustainable chemistry in the leather supply chains
Artikel vom 14.09.2022

Beginning in 2018, the project more sustainable chemistry in the leather supply chains sought to bring together representatives along the leather supply chains, academia, NGOs and other actors, with the objective of fostering an intensive and constructive exchange towards a more sustainable leather chemistry.
Beginn: 16.11.2022 | 10:00 Uhr
Ende: 16.11.2022 | 12:00 Uhr
online aus dem Schader-Forum | Goethestr. 2 | 64285 Darmstadt
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Towards a more sustainable leather chemistry
The project is working in close collaboration with local and global players of the leather supply chain to develop systemic approaches for more sustainable leather supply chains in the foreseeable future: What do we want the supply chain to look like and which strategies should be developed to reach these goals?
Since the project started, its participants have developed a scenario vision for “more sustainable leather chemistry” in 2035 as well as strategies to achieve that vision (“Theory of Change”). Afterwards, it divided the strategy into specific implementation projects working on specific solutions towards the goals of the project:
- IT Tools and Governance for Traceability of Chemicals in Leather Products
- Innovation in Chemicals and Processes and
- Leather Design Guidelines
After an intensive work period, the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and the Schader Foundation were delighted to host the final conference, share the results, and give an update on the progress of the project. The project more sustainable chemistry in the leather supply chains is a part of the larger project System Innovation for Sustainable Development (s:ne) of the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and partners such as the Schader Foundation.
For further enquiries, please contact Désirée Nothnagel.
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