Artikel vom 03.05.2019

The Schader-Stiftung has been promoting social sciences for over 30 years by now. Its main concern is the support and strengthening of the practical relevance of social sciences and its dialogue with practitioners. It is for this purpose, that the foundation provides its premises in Darmstadt, the Schader-Forum.
Promoted events
Promoted events have to serve the purpose of the foundation: encouraging and promoting the dialogue between social sciences and praxis. Within projects, each partner has to be engaged in equally. We define social sciences as all those disciplines that work on enhancing common welfare. Practitioners hail from politics, economics, society, municipalities, the Third Sector, science management as well as applied sciences. The Schader-Stiftung always remains involved as co-operation partner and is consulted at an early stage once project development commences.
You can find a brochure containing detailed terms of utilization for the Schader-Forum here, which comprises of the offer for the terms of use of the premises for social scientific associations, communities and societies as well as for DFG-promoted projects (all in German).
The determination of aims that serve the Schader-Stiftung as its core principles can be retrieved from its statute (in German).
Subject Areas
The Schader-Stiftung is active within the following six subject areas:
- Public welfare and responsibility
- Democracy and social commitment
- Diversity and integration
- Urban development and housing
- Communication and culture
- Demography and structural change
In recent years, the primary work of the foundation focuses specifically on public space and diverging realities. It closely follows the theme of the yearly “Großer Konvent” (Main Convent), for which the title for the eleventh edition in 2023 is "Willkommen in meiner Wirklichkeit" (Welcome to my reality). Projects, events and suggestions should contribute into this year’s main convent in November, concerning the same subject. Projects within this subject area are given special attention during this time frame.
Accordingly, the tenth version focused on "Balancen" (Balances) while 2021 set the focus on "Normalität als Experiment" (Normality as an Experiment) and 2020 looked towards "Das Erleben der Anderen" (The Experience of Others). In 2019, the seventh edition is “DU BIST NICHT ALLEIN. Öffentlicher Raum im Dialog” (You are not alone. Public space in dialogue) while in 2018, the Schader-Stiftung dedicated itself towards the convent theme “Mehr … wagen – ’68, ’18 und die politisierte Gesellschaft” (Dare … more – ’68, ’18 and the politicized society). Earlier subjects of the main convent as well as their documentation can be found here: „Definiere Deutschland!“ (2017), „Kulturelle Praktiken 4.0 – Verführung oder Selbstbestimmung?“ (2016), „Öffentliche Wissenschaft“ (2015), „Nachhaltigkeit im Dialog“ (2014), „25 Jahre Dialog zwischen Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Praxis“ (2013). All contributions as well as all documentations have been published in German.
The orientation on the respective theme of the main convent does not exclude other projects.
In principle, the co-operation considers the utilization of the premises in Darmstadt as a pivotal element of each promotion. The following formats are conceivable:
- Conferences and congresses
- Working groups and other continuous task forces
- Expert panels and expert groups
- Bi- and multilingual dialogues
- Workshops
- Thinks tanks
- Summer schools
- Barcamps
Public lectures and panels Please contact us with your ideas. We happily engage in discussions about possible co-operations (contact).
Application Procedure
We offer an unbureaucratic and direct way to a successful co-operation with the Schader-Stiftung. The path to a common project can be accelerated when considering the following information.
The project ideas are always to be formulated towards a co-operational agreement between the parties, as the Schader-Stiftung, an operative foundation, engages actively in every project.
Applications can be submitted perennially via mail and E-mail and have to be addressed towards the business office of the Schader-Stiftung. The initial response usually requires a processing time of about four weeks.
Application letters ideally contain the following information:
Name of the applicant,
possible additional co-operation partners,
state of the project development as well as potentially existing agreements,
further concurrent applications,
the content of the project, its aims and its aspired impact,
vague or concrete ideas towards the events’ scheduling,
the necessary financial resources and their utilization.As long as single events are at stake, we gladly aid in developing the budget collectively.
To reduce the general administrative expenses on all sides, we kindly ask you to limit the submitted documents to a minimum. The probability of a commitment does not depend on the volume of the application.
There is no claim towards a reasoning on potential rejections. Neither is there a legal claim to demand funding. Even if all guidelines and requirements have been met, there is no service obligation on the part of the Schader-Stiftung. The foundation decides according to dutiful principles and ultimately at its own discretion on the basis of the means it maintains at its disposal.
Mandatory precondition for a co-operation is a preparatory personal discussion in Darmstadt as well as a written agreement.
Negative Listing
An application is futile under the following circumstances: Events without regard to the purpose of the foundation or without an active engagement of the Schader-Stiftung, such as
- Leasing or transfer of the premises towards third parties,
- in-service training and further education,
- projects in different locations,
- purely artistic events, readings, performances and exhibitions
- commercial events,
- applications regarding financial funding for research, publication or qualification projects,
- institutional funds, standard or infinite funding,
- coverage of budgetary gaps in running projects,
- loans, credits, guarantees or other barter transactions,
- scholarships, grants and subsidies for scholarly exchanges and programmes,
- applications towards charitable promotion or subsidies to health benefits and livelihood.
To spare each side with unnecessary efforts, we kindly ask you to renounce from sending applications containing elements of the aspects listed above.
We gladly engage in active talks with you. Further, we welcome a first blueprint of your project, to commonly identify the potential of a co-operation. A request at an early stage of your project increases the probability to ultimately obtain a satisfactory outcome for all parties involved.
Please direct your application towards
Goethestr. 2 64285 Darmstadt
Herr Kirill Uschatov, Assistant to the board
Tel. 06151 / 1759-15