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Purpose and goal of the foundation

Artikel vom 25.02.2019

The Schader-Stiftung is a charitable non-profit organisation located in Darmstadt. It finances its activities through the income earned on the assets that the benefactor and founder of the foundation, Alois M. Schader, donated to the foundation. The foundation was established in 1988.

Purpose and goal of the foundation

The purpose of the Schader-Stiftung is the promotion of social sciences by supporting the dialogue among academic researchers and practitioners and encourage a more practice-oriented approach to social sciences.


The foundation sets itself the following tasks:

-          Initiate: Ask questions and launch the development of ideas

-          Communicate: Connecting scientists and practitioners

-          Moderate: Facilitate decision-making and implementation processes

-          Evaluate: Ask about results

-          Publish: Disseminate ideas, experiences and results


The foundation is active in the following fields:

-          Public welfare and responsibility

-          Democracy and social commitment

-          Diversity and integration

-          Urban development and housing

-          Communication and culture

-          Demography and structural change


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